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97 Year Old Man Fulfills Lifelong Dream, Becomes FireFighter

A man in Pennsylvania celebrated his 97th birthday in a big way by fulfilling a dream he always had.

Bill Grun, of Doylestown, turned 97 Monday and he decided to become a fireman. 

"I was kind of hoping for the helicopter but I’ll settle for the fire truck," Grun said.

The good times rolled Monday at Wesley Enhanced Living in Doylestown but they started out quietly with  friends, cupcakes and stories from 70 years of teaching.

That’s when the Doylestown Fire Company showed up with their ladder truck. Larry Brown, of the all-volunteer Doyesltown Fire Department, says he’s not 100% on Bill plunging into burning buildings or climbing ladders but he says there’s plenty of work to do around any firehouse.  Once he saw Bill break into a trot, he knew the 97-year-old had juice.

Bill says he remembers fire trucks from the 1930’s when they had a lot more brass on them than they do now; however, the people he says are pretty much the same.

"I’ll say one thing about firemen – they are really gutsy.  When you realize all that. We get choked up on candle smoke?  And those fellas have to face all that stuff it’s tough," he explained.

No doubt about it Bill would easily make the grade  teaching school for 70 years that’s plenty tough.  Living to age 97 that’s a pretty tall order too.  Happy Birthday Bill!

Originally posted by Fox News.

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