Birth order is one way to gain an understanding of friends, family members and co-workers. Some researchers believe how you are placed in your family can have an influence on personality traits. There are no magical formulas to help us understand our friends and family, but birth order research may offer “clues” about why people tend to be the way they are. Hooker is a last born and this is pretty spot on, DB is a middle child and this is half right. How about you?
Characteristics of first borns:
- Goal setters
- High achievers
- Perfectionist
- Responsible
- Organized
- Rule Keepers
- Determined
- Detail people
Characteristics of the Middle Child:
- Flexible
- Diplomatic
- Peacemaker
- Generous
- Social
- Competitive
Characteristics of the last born child:
- Risk takers
- Outgoing
- Idea people
- Creative
- Humor
- Question authority